Easy Ways to Prep for Your Pets
When you’re in the process of prepping for your family, you should also remember to include your furry friends. Preppers are usually in the habit of following the right steps to stockpile essential supplies, but they might often forget to stockpile for their pets. As a pet owner, you want the peace of mind that your precious pets are well protected and taken care of when a disaster strikes.
Regardless of how many pets you have, you should follow the right techniques to ensure their survival during a disaster. The process is quite simple when you decide to plan ahead of time. Let’s explore the important things that you should consider when you’re prepping for your pets.
Stockpile Pet Food
According to experts, you need to stockpile at least 30 days’ supplies of food for your pets. When you’re stockpiling pet food, you must also consider using quality sealed bags to protect the food from spoilage and damage. Airtight, waterproof containers are additional sources that you can use to store food.
Stockpile Water
Be sure to stockpile several days’ supply of water for your pets. Avoid using water in cheap plastic bottles and use BPA-free containers or water barrels to ensure the water remains fresh.
First Aid Kits
Think about the emergency medical needs of your pet. Be sure to stockpile first aid kits for your pets. Make a list of the types of medicine your pets take regularly and store them in a waterproof container. You can also pack other common items such as flea and tick control products, anti-worm medications, and no-chew bandages for your pets.
Sanitation Supplies
How will you take care of your pet’s sanitation needs? The best solution that you must consider is stockpiling pet litter, plastic trash bags, chlorine bleach, paper towels, and other essential supplies for pet sanitation.
Pet Grooming Supplies
You may also need to include pet grooming supplies in your stockpile. When you want to clean up your pets, you will need pet shampoos and conditioner, grooming shears, and dental supplies.
Follow the Right Steps to Protect Your Pets During an Emergency
Your pets are important members of your family that you should always look out for in the event of a disaster.
Fortunately, you can plan ahead of time to determine all the best supplies that your pets need to survive a disaster. If you’re in a situation where you’re unable to leave your pets behind, you will have the peace of mind that you have the right plan in place for your pets.