Three Additional Types Of Bricks
If you look back at the blog, and what we have written in the past, we have quite a number of posts talking about the effective use of WaterBrick modules for sustainable energy planning, and celebrity endorsements, etc.
WaterBrick is a product for its times – as we see so much unnecessary packaging contributing to waste, and even plastic gyres in the ocean, we want to see efficient remedies for these types of problems.
By making water storage into something that’s efficient and practical, the WaterBrick is a key development in this kind of innovation.
But there are also other kinds of bricks that you can get through the site, too. Let’s cover a few of those today to show the versatility of this type of planning container.
Food Bricks
Like water, many bulk foods are able to be put into a brick-type container and stacked for easy storage. Use food bricks to keep flour, beans, rice, or other dry goods safe on the go during a trip or in storage in a pantry or cellar.
Automotive Brick
This one’s a little different – the automotive brick can contain all of those things you need in your roadside emergency kit like blankets, snacks, water and other staples.
Some of our auto bricks also have a reflecting triangular light in order to set up a roadside emergency station to avoid additional collisions or problems. Vehicle safety includes planning well for when something goes wrong, because as insurance pros will tell you, this is often when something bad happens.
Ammo Brick
Other ammo bricks can be filled with different kinds of ammunition, but safety rules are critical here. Always understand the ramifications of storing and using ammunition, and how to prevent tragic and grievous accidents from occurring.
With all of the above, you can get closer to your goals in creating an environmental sustainability that helps not only us but our entire planet. This type of planning helps people to plan for better ways of living that achieve a smaller carbon footprint and lighten the load on our ecosystem.
They are organizational tools, too, of course, but the sustainable aspect is a big part of why people seek these out and use them day to day.
Moving materials is a big part of the carbon equation in overall planning for the future, so it’s helpful to have these kinds of resources in place to change how we look at what we do as a society.